Business Growth Tips | Webstudio Website Design and Marketing


Business Growth Tips – Start The Year on the Right Track

While we’re not exactly where we thought we’d be entering 2022, nevertheless – we are glad to be back into the swing of things. We’ve already got some incredibly exciting projects in the mix – and even more on the horizon!

Here at Webstudio, we have had to make some adjustments to our way of working. We appreciate we are in the lucky group of businesses who can easily adapt, due to the nature of our work (and of course, technology!) 

It has been really incredible to see the pandemic response from other local businesses. We have been pushed to become resilient, flexible and dynamic as we navigate close contacts, positive cases – and of course, complex and ever-changing regulations. 

With so much we cannot control having such a huge impact on our business – we think February is a good time to take a look at what we can control – and make some positive changes where we can.

So we’ve put together some healthy business growth tips! Think of these as some ‘new years business resolutions’ to help you find some calm amongst the chaos.


Business Growth Tip One: Empathy

Now, more than ever, businesses are feeling the impacts of short staffing and increased workloads. 

People are realising businesses and systems are made up of real humans, who are essential to operations. At the end of every supply chain and logistics process is a real person, showing up to work and doing their best. 

Being kind to one another and trying to understand the challenges people are facing is the first step towards implementing changes that work to support your business – and your people. 

This is relevant both internally and externally. Ask yourself – are you empathising with your customers? What are their specific needs and challenges right now? 

But equally as important, are you empathising with your staff, and the anxiety and stress they may also be under? What can you do to adapt, to make life easier for everyone?


Business Growth Tip Two: Communication Strategy

Businesses are having to make some tough decisions.  There is often concern about how these decisions will be met by customers. 

Our advice here is – openly and clearly communicate information to your customers, using all the channels at your disposal. Talk to them on Facebook, send emails, make phone calls, post blogs. 

Create a clear communication strategy. It should include the key messages you need to convey, your target audiences – and specific channels you will communicate to them through. 

People are generally a lot more understanding if they have insight into your situation and are kept in the loop.

In these difficult times, clear communication with everyone engaged with your product or service (this includes all internal and external stakeholders) could make or break your operations – and your brand reputation. 


Business Growth Tip Three: Creating and Maintaining Boundaries

Know your limits – and honour them. 

At the end of the day, you can only do what you can do. Stay in contact with your team, touch base about how the current climate is impacting them and their families.  Take any suggestions they have into account. 

With many of us continuing to work from home, it’s certainly harder to manage the work-life balance and “switch off.” 

Ensure clients know your working situation and set clear expectations for deadlines. Try not to step outside the boundaries and aim to balance it out when you do.


Business Growth Tip Four: Overcome the Overwhelm

At the end of each day, set out the next day’s key goals and highest priorities. Even if you can’t bowl over your whole to-do list, at least put a dent in it by checking off the most important, anxiety-inducing tasks! Make this a routine – will boost your productivity. 

Is having 2000 messages simmering in your inbox hampering your efficiency? Swimming in a sea of emails can really put a drag on your workflow. It can mean important tasks fall through the cracks. We suggest clearing your inbox on a daily basis – it’s liberating! 

(Look at ‘inbox zero’ on Youtube to learn the benefits and how you can actually make this a reality.)

And in the spirit of setting boundaries – we recommend you outsource tasks to an experienced professional, where possible. 

As a business owner, it’s easy to personally take on everything that needs to be done, with the attitude of ‘it’s more affordable if I handle this myself.’

But this can lead to burnout – and important things slipping through the cracks. 

Plus, sometimes it literally pays to ensure certain parts of your business are handled by an expert – like in the case of accounting, or your content marketing. (Wink wink.)


Business Growth Tip Five: Stay Connected With Your Tribe (or Find One)

Having like-minded peers, who you can share ideas with and learn from, is vital for your growth and wellbeing in business. 

Consider starting a coffee group with people from your industry, to catch up with on a regular basis. 

Joining a networking group like the Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce or Hastings Business Women’s Network could also be a great way to meet new people and build connections within the local business community. 

Having a network of people to bounce ideas off, who are in a similar position to you and understand your challenges is incredibly helpful – and often therapeutic! 

Business Growth Tip Six: Celebrate the Wins

Now, more than ever, we need to pat ourselves on the back when we achieve our goals – and take time to appreciate the good. 

Just remember, everyone is feeling the pinch, to some degree. 

But if we focus on finding joy, and helping others to do so – by keeping perspective and remembering what’s most important, we know we can make 2022 a positive and enjoyable year!

business growth tips - plant coming out of soil


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